There has been a large rise in the popularity of small breeds in the United States within the past 8 years. There are many reasons for this rise and owners of smaller dogs find that owning a little dog can have its benefits and problems.

Because society has been changing, the types of pets that are conducive to the lifestyles of many Americans are changing as well. Many people in generation X and Y are waiting much longer to start families. They live in smaller spaces and have less free time. Small dogs don’t need large yards or daily hour walks like large breeds do.

Small breeds are great to have on vacations and short trips to run errands. If someone is allergic to dogs, small breeds are better because while they may not shed less, they do have less hair to shed. Small breeds are also easier to bathe and do not cause the damage to a home that big dogs may cause.
Dog Breed Ribbon
The downfall of having a small breed can vary by the specific dog. Many small breeds have health issues due to over breeding. Pugs, for example, are known to have problems with seizures. Also, teeth on all small dogs are always difficult to maintain.

People love small breeds because they are seen as more childlike. Some people like to dress their dogs up for Halloween or other occasions. It is easy to find novelty clothing for dogs of this size. These breeds are so fun to have compete in dog performance shows.

Small dogs do come with their own set of health problems. Joints and arthritis can set at an early age. Very tiny females should be spayed at an early age, because accidental pregnancies can prove to harsh for their bodies and result in illness and even death.

.If you are interested in adopting a small dog, be cautious of the breed you choose. Small dogs are not all the same and you should select a dog that will best fit in with your current lifestyle.